Often ALOT ladies want one or two V@gina do allow the cleaner or whatever, but before you choose to do something about your v @ Gina, consult your doctor to ensure that you regret later ..
Below are seven things you should always have your v@gina

1. Use of a lubricant: Oil-based lubricants can be washed and be used as a breeding ground for bacteria. This can also lead to tampering latex condom, if you use it, increasing your risk of pregnancy or STIs (sexually transmitted diseases). To prevent this, use a silicon-based or water-based lubricant

2.Plastic toys: Did you know that most of these toys are made with phthalates, which are known to cause cancer? This toy is not good and the risk of infection-causing bacteria

3. Use of scented soap: perfumed soap is undoubtedly no sanitary way to clean your v@gina, because the chemicals that can lead to infection are common ground. So instead of using sprays to combat a drinking tow, consult a gynecologist.

4.Tightening creams or surgery: Want to feel like a virgin again combined v@ginal rejuvenation surgery or by tightening creams? Pas undergo surgery or sharpen the use of a cream to the v@gina, as this is the risk of various diseases such as HIV, the virus or infectious skin increases

5.Hair removal creams: It is extremely smooth and hairless down there, and not depilatory creams do not use, such as abrasions will be allowed in the area - increasing your risk of worship. You can either shave or wash the v@ginal area.

6.Douching: v@ginal wash (or weeks in order to wash your vagina with water or other fluids) is a good idea, because the pH value of the v@gina and of the hand may change, increase the risk of infection.

7.Bleaching: Unlike your face was using chemical creams, there are great chances that your v@gina may be dark if you bleach that does not help you win discoloration (if applicable). Indicated no, please!