This problem is one of the main problems many couples complain about and it really affects mostly women and emotional most of them are not able to get pregnant if they believe it is the cause.

Backflow of semen after sex can be caused by many things.

1. Anti-spam antibody
The man or woman (or both) may produce anti-sperm antibody. This is a chemical that will fight by the immune system of misrecognizes spam as the enemy. As anti-sperm antibodies are derived from the man and the tail of the sperm can attack, which makes them immobile. Should be immune come from the woman, the head of the sperm are likely targets. In each of the sperms weak and can not penetrate the mucus secretion of the cervix, which sits on the tip and the gateway and expense leading to infertility.
In the same vein as the vagina of women to acid, it becomes difficult for sperm cells and increase the alkaline environment that can kill them unintentionally. Anti-sperm antibodies in the male or female, which suggests that a prior infection.

2. Defective cervical mucus
One of the users of the cervical mucus to guide or help transport sperm to the egg or ovum. The nose is thin, elastic water before and during the ovulation. But after ovulation, the consistency of the mucus changes and becomes thick and sticky, inelastic prevents the sperm, and the closed cervix and uterus and the egg. And the gates closed, natural sperm ahead and go back outside! Thick cervical mucus to provide all-around round can ignition and the excitement of the glands of the cervix. This may be caused by an infection, milk intolerance, irritation of the chemical agent in soap, tampons or sanitary napkins, and showering substances. Hormonal imbalance can also be one with the hand in it. So, as well as the consumption of white sugar and excessive use of drugs that can disrupt the balance of friendly bacteria in vis¬a If you want the enemy viruses.

3. S*X. Before a woman reaches orgasm, there is an increased blood flow to Genital area in preparation for receiving spam. Orgasm spreads the blood, thus relieving reproductive organs for the sperm to move faster. The contraction of the muscles and helps transport the sperm. When a woman does not reach orgasm before spam is received, how vulnerable are pregnant, even though this is not a cast-iron rule.

4. retroverted uterus. A woman with a retroverted uterus (the uterus and v@gina) causes spam postponed. This means that spam can be the first to be laid off at the rear of the cervix, where they will find their way back to the voice of the cervix. In many cases do. The solution is to lie on his right hand or left hand when you and your husband are trying to conceive. The sides and is located is tilted depending on which side of the uterus. -Atụle This with your gynecologist.

5. longer Pen! S: It is believed that one could leave sperm cells with a long penis during ejaculation and military targets. As a result, some authorities show that people with longer pen! S must withdraw and suggest three inches, and the wearing of a safe deposit box just before the ejaculation.

6. Premature Ejaculation: During the movement, especially those suffering from the s * xual problem tends to leave out v@Gina makes it very possible for sperm out.Men must ensure that they ejaculate when the pen!S is still deep in the v@Gina

7. Place: The couple kept their s*x life to the s*xual circumstances, but when it comes to conception, there is a good condition will help a lot to ensure that the sperm does not rotate. For example, the missionary and doggy style as they allow deeper penetration and a man needs to know that he will ejaculate when his pen! s of the water

8. diseases: Some infections such as Staphylococcus and other diseases can also cause leakage of semen after ejaculation, so in that case it is advisable to consult your doctor for proper examination

But in the same spirit, that semen contains millions of sperm and then a few sperm enter the uterus, it is only a single sperm, leading to the conception, just your normal s*x life.

You can opt for specific measures to elevate your hips or taking a pillow behind his buttock after ejaculation, which can prevent backflow to some extent. Genital hygiene before and after each sexual activity.