Kidney disease is one of the most common fatal disease which has so much severe. Unfortunately it is often ignored when it begins to draw the danger and perhaps show due to lack of awareness or whatever and how carefully the following known when to call your doctor if you start to notice any of these symptoms

1. Changes in the urine activity
The first symptoms of kidney disease is passing through a change in the amount and frequency of urine. There may be:
i.An increase or decrease the amount of urine can ignore
ii.Dark colored urine (darker than normal)
iii.Feeling urge to urinate but can not do that if you go to the toilet
iv.Increase or together with the time, especially at night. According to Dr. Avinash Ignatius, senior specialist nephrologist DaVita, Pune Region, "after urination at night is one of the most common early symptoms of chronic kidney disease and should not be ignored, though it seems harmless. Other symptoms of the disease develop normally in later stage, when the kidneys have lost 80% of its work.

2. or pain during urination
In some cases, you may be able to feel pressure or pain when urinating (bladder manure). This could be a urinary tract infection pain or burning during urination indicate. If the infection spreads to your kidneys can cause fever and pain in your back.

3. blood in the urine
This is a symptom of renal disease which is a source of concern. If you see this, you can not ignore. A visit to a doctor immediately.

4. Foamy urine
According to Dr. Deepa Jayaram, a leading nephrologist at Bombay, was frothy urine by leakage of protein from other symptoms of kidney disease.

5. swelling or edema
Your kidneys are responsible for removing waste and extra courses through your body. Where they are not able to do this, a thorough study that builds up in the body. Furthermore Dr. Deepa explains This signal is designed and that the inability to get rid of excess water and salts from the body. So in this situation will note swelling in the feet, ankles, swelling of the face and the density of the hand. This is also known as edema.

6. Extreme fatigue, anemia and generalized weakness
Your kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin that helps red blood cells to carry oxygen. When they failed, the level of this hormone drop significantly. This causes a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the body, resulting in anemia which may also lead to symptoms such as generalized weakness and fatigue.

7. Dizziness and concentration problems
Anemia related to kidney disease your brains depletes oxygen that can cause dizziness, problems with concentration, etc.

8. Feeling cold all the time
Kidney disease known cause anemia, which can also cause you to feel cold even in hot environments. Pyelonephritis (kidney disease) can also cause fever and chills. Extreme tiredness and fatigue may also be responsible for these symptoms.

9. rash and itching
This is a sign that many people are confused with the more innocuous situations such as allergies and rashes can indicate kidney disease and failure. Kidney failure causes waste build up in your blood. This causes severe itching and skin rash.

10. ammonia with metallic taste
Other symptoms indicative of kidney disease, which is often missed in the search for evidence of renal disease. Renal failure increases the level of urea in the blood (uremia). This urea to ammonia is broken, and wherein the urine-like bad breath referred to as ammonia. It is usually associated with an unpleasant metallic taste (dysgeusia).

11. nausea and vomiting
The build up of waste products in your blood and kidney disease can also cause nausea and vomiting.

12. Lack of appetite
One suffering from a symptom as a result of the final of the toxin and waste products in the body. Dr. Deepa Jayaram, said: "Since kidney disease is often presented without any symptoms, the final of the toxins tend to lead the way when it comes to research So when the other symptoms, loss of appetite can be one of them. show the kidney disease.

13. breathlessness
"If kidney disease is severe enough, it can be an accumulation of fluid in the lungs leads to cause a feeling of breathlessness. "Said Dr. Deepa Jayaram, leading nephrologist. Besides, anemia, a common side effect of kidney disease, starves the body of oxygen makes you short of breath.

14. Pain in the back or side
This is an indication of a kidney disease, but that is not in one suffering from the disorder. The pain is a characteristic that you have a cramping pain that spreads to feel the lower back in the master. This symptom may be an indication of a number of conditions, such as:
Kidney stones or urethra can cause pain.
Conditions such as polycystic kidney disease - a hereditary kidney disorder, which many birth-filled cysts in the kidneys) causes.